Bangladesh Slideshow

22 May, 2007

First step on a new journey

I was inspired by Maryam Montague of My Marrakesh to join the blogging community. At first I had no clue what a 'blog' was. And when I found out, I started toying with the idea of having my own. I have visited a few blogs since (Maryam’s most often), to see what I could start a blog about, as I am really not a specialist on anything. In the end, I decided that this blog would be just a normal kind of thing, with random thoughts of an average woman living and working in Dhaka.
Of course I had no clue about html, and settings and the host of other technical know-how that comes with having a blog, but the brave soul that I am, I decided to cross each bridge as I come to it.

Will anyone (other than me) ever read this blog??? Perhaps... and then perhaps not. But planning and creating the blog will give me great pleasure, and that is reason enough.

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