She likes to pretend that she's an interior designer of sorts. She is forever moving things around in the house, or changing the look of a room. Her favorite shows are Lifestyle and HGTV and her favorite websites bhg and decor8. You should know however that all her home improvement projects are executed on a strict budget, and with little (or no) structural remodeling.
She had long wanted a nautical theme for her bathroom (a standard 7.5 ft by 6.5 ft with white tiles) and finally managed to put together enough items to carry this project out.
First came the shower curtain with star fish and cockle shell motif.
She hot glued shells to the net curtain.
A star fish and ranellidae shell garland was hung along the top frame of the mirror.
A bowl of assorted shells sat side by side with a fish-shaped dish on the marbel-topped vanity unit.
An empty gin bottle made a color coordinated vase for peacock plumes, adding a whimsical touch.
Dogs feature prominently in her life, and her bathroom was not to be an exception. There was an embroidered towel and a mug, and Candy's bath-time starfish toy sat atop the wc.
The end effect was of a serene oasis. A little amateurish, a little silly, but she loved it!
i love it too!!!:)