03 October, 2008

Eid ul Fitr

Eid Mubarak, Dear Readers.

Eid-ul-Fitr derives its name from the word Fitr - charity which is given at the end of Ramadan by all able Muslims. The main purpose of the Fitr is to provide those who fasted with the means of making up for their errors during the month of fasting. The Fitr also provides the poor with a means with which they can celebrate Eid along with the rest of the community. The Fitr amount is the equivalent of one Saa` (two handfuls) of food-grain and the equivalent currency amount is decided by the government according to market prices. Each able Muslim is required to calculate how much charity is due from himself and his dependents and go into the community in order to find those who deserve such charity. Thus, Fitr plays a very important role in community bonding. Fitr becomes due upon sighting of the Shaw'wal moon and should be paid before Eid prayers.

As with our other festivals, Eid-ul-Fitr celebrations offer us an excellent opportunity to reaffirm and nurture our attachment to our ancestral values and cultural heritage, and to the traditions that add depth and splendour to our lives.

The day begins with Eid prayers at mosques. After the devotees return home, we visit family, friends and neighbors, and sweets are served at every house. Families usually get together for lunch, the main Eid meal. The afternoon and evening bring more visits. Youngsters hang out with friends at places such as Banani Road 11, Mirpur Road and Sat Masjid Road in Dhanmondi, KFC and Pizza Hut in Gulshan, and Bailey Road and Dhaka University areas. Not being that 'cool' but more important, not belonging to that age group, the Blogging Girl's Eid was spent mostly at home.

The Eid holidays saw various kinds of entertainment. A street band played the famous Nazrul Eid song.

Then came the snake charmer.

Candy of course had never seen a snake before, and she was all agog. She also barked her head off at these strange slithering creatures. Too bad they could not hear her.

This was the first Eid at our house for us (previous ones had been spent either with the in-laws or my parents). Our little home dressed up for the big occasion.

One veranda had a cozy sitting arrangement. Our little girl liked it very much, and sat there all morning.

The Blogging Girl's unfinished craft project - the sea shell lamp base - was cleverly displayed. The shade and candles were color coordinated with the orchids. Smart, eh?

There were other small bright touches. Jewel colored blown glass fish. Antique china that belonged to my paternal Grandmother.

There was a memorial corner.

Potted plants added soothing touches of greenery around the house.

Candy had a sparkly collar to wear, and it jingled as she ran around. She was the star of the day and she revelled in the attention. Oh, she was so happy!

We served mouthwatering sweet dishes of Carrot Halwa, Mitha Tukda and Shemai. Thank God nobody was counting calories!

We also prepared different kinds of meat dishes. There was Mutton with Potato. Roast Chicken. Handi Kabab. Beef Bhuna. The meat was served to the accompaniment of plain pulao and a green salad.

Family and friends came a-visiting.

The house, of necessity, had a no-dog zone, and Candy was downcast at not having entry to that area while the guests were visiting. She kept a watchful eye on these suspicious people who did not want to get close to her.

It was indeed a happy time.
We also thought of family and friends who live far away or have passed away. When my arms can’t reach people close to my heart, I always hug them with my prayers.
May Allah’s peace be with you all.


  1. You have a lovely home! Thanks for sharing those special moments with us! Mental note to self: among the things i want to do before i'm...to old to travel...must.spend.Eid. in Dhaka! So full of flavour, colour and joy!

  2. Thanks, Raluca. Please do come. Dhaka is a wonderfully vibrant, colorful city of diverse cultures that have merged into a beautiful collage.
