14 August, 2007

Treasure Trove

I have discovered a quaint little shop which sells pearl jewelry. Cultured pearl of course, my wallet does not permit me to flaunt natural pearl jewelry. Yet. But I am not complaining.

Now this place, tucked away between antique shops and art galleries, has a very average window display, nothing extraordinary to set it apart from the dozen other pearl shops in the market. But step in and prepare to be dazzled. The salesmen are a bit pushy (that’s their job after all) but you have to be firm. They will bring out piece after stunning piece and I can guarantee that you’ll be spoiled for choice.

As a wedding gift, I bought a white mother of pearl and white pearl necklace. It was exquisite and drew attention nestled against the ivory throat of the oriental bride. Wouldn’t suit our desi coloring at all though, I have to admit. On another foray, I bought two pearl and mother of pearl necklace/bracelet/earring sets, this time for myself. One has a bluish gray tint, the other a hint of the palest green. Lovely!

I had bought some sapphire, emerald and ruby beads some time ago and did not know what to do with them. Using them with gold would involve a massive investment, and I pay enough zakaat on what I own already. I didn’t want to use them with gold-plated jewelry either because they seem a tad tacky. So the beads sat in their velvet pouches in my dresser drawer, taken out periodically to be admired, until the day I mentioned my dilemma to the pearl store salesman. “Bring it to us and we will fashion something for you,” he urged me. I was in two minds - I knew they did good work but would I like the final product? Seeing me hesitate, they persuaded me to part with one lot, saying I could always have them unstrung. I waited in trepidation for a week but when I went to pick up the emerald piece, lo and behold! I know I’ve used the words exquisite and stunning elsewhere in this post, but I have to use them again! What an exquisite, exquisite piece they had fashioned for me! I wanted to kiss them! Okay, that is a bit much. I wouldn’t actually want to kiss them.

So the next day I went back with the sapphire and ruby beads and a week later two gorgeous necklaces had been added to my jewelry collection.

Only one drawback - they are now too striking for everyday office wear. So they again nestle in their velvet pouches in my dresser drawer, taken out periodically to be admired, and worn only on the rare occasion.